Russia has invaded Ukraine, according to the headlines. We are now seeing the full weight of the media propaganda machine in operation. Americans have become increasingly aware of fake news. They are beginning to realize that the media promotes a narrative. We began to see their ineffectiveness at maintaining that narrative over the past few years as their dishonesty became manifest.
First it was the Stormy Daniels scandal. Then it was Trump’s taxes. Then it was the Russia hoax. Then it was the Ukraine quid pro quo, which ended up really being Biden’s quid pro quo. Then it was COVID-19, with “two weeks to flatten the curve.” All we got was a flattened economy. They suppressed information showing that the virus was leaked from a Wuhan lab, not some “wet market.” Now we know that was true, not just a conspiracy theory. Then there were the flip-flops. You only needed a mask if you were unvaccinated. Then vaccinated people needed to wear them. Then we were supposed to wear two masks at on…
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